Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

(click on the picture to enlarge for easy reading)

Sorry this later this afternoon in the posting BUT the server at school will not allow me to do the blog so I just learned I will need to always do it from home. Animal reports are due Tuesday, November 23, 2010. This will need to be put on my desk as the children arrive at school that day. If your child is going to be gone next week due to Thanksgiving they will need to turn their animal report in before leaving for the break.

I am finding most of the students are having their math papers signed BUT not checked. Please check you child's math paper so you can see where they are headed and where they may need more help. I am trying hard to help all of them learn the starting of double digit multiplication and division which they were to learn some of  while in 3rd grade. Ask you child where they are on their multiplication facts. By now they should have passed off through the 12's and started working on the division ones. If they re not there yet please play the game "Ogre" with them or get some flash cards to help.

The first Dragon Slayer will be Wednesday, November 24. If your child is being knighted you will receive and invitation for that by Friday so you will be able to make plans.

Thank you for helping your child become successful in school because without you it is not possible to make everything happen for your child!

1 comment:

  1. Could you let us know about checkpoints on the report as they are due (or hopefully before)? For example, you said today that the bullet point page is due tomorrow. Is there another checkpoint? Is the Researching Animals page due before the report? Or is the next checkpoint when the report is due entirely? Are the posters still being done in the computer lab?
    Thanks for this blog. It is helping us get on track.
